The Great Grocer Project consists of three primary components:
Healthy Grocer Promotion:
Provide a rating system for grocery stores that creates a common standard to evaluate all stores, and allows us to compare stores across the city based on this standard. The DGC will also promote stores that are meeting the GGP standard.
Community Engagement:
Develop a toolkit, based on the Adopt A Shop model, that improves neighborhood involvement in store promotion and operations. The DGC works in collaboration with our partner community-based organizations to develop and implement the toolkit.
Healthy Food Marketing:
Assist stores that want to improve their retail food environments by providing marketing and promotion of healthy foods within grocery stores and developing other incentives that support local stores.
Community impact of the Great Grocery Project:
Increased career opportunities for local residents including youth
Promote economic mobility of local grocers
Improve procurement of healthy, quality, local produce
Increase consumer relationships with grocers
Increase consumption of healthy foods
Build local capacity to work with grocers